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Ilona - Body Mind Harmony

Judgement – When the White Elephant in the room can no longer be ignored...

I love when a story for a blog lands in my lap…

The other morning I was judged as a “Privileged White Woman” by a friend and not in a nice way…

Interesting how the discussion of my Father being brainwashed in Nazi Germany to be a Nazi sympathiser and how I equated it to how we too have been brainwashed by our leaders & social media.

It lead on to my friend saying that I am privileged because I had the means to survive without getting jabbed & that everyone else who got jabbed had no other option…

WOW boom...that was a huge judgement call right there…funnily enough she knows how difficult it has been for me & my decision and it was not made lightly…

Not only have I struggled financially and still continue to earn below a standard wage I also lost friends who don’t want to be around an me as an unjabbed person…

There is always choice & there are always consequences to those choices…

As an alternative therapist, how could I go ahead knowing what I know & get jabbed? That would make me a hypocrite at the very least and smacks in the face of everything I stand for. What if I had an adverse reaction & became chronically ill how would I be able to work or look after myself financially?

Over the last 3 years humans have been pitted against humans, love compassion and tolerance for the fellow man has totally disintegrated and with it friendships, relationships & families have become a toxic nightmare of shaming, blaming, guilt trips, blackmail, threats & ostracising one another…

I heard people say that the unjabbed “deserve everything they get” so does that mean we deserve to die, starve, lose everything, become something to hate? Why? We are still the same people that once were loved/loving, respected/respectful, giving, caring/cared for…just because our decision was not the same as others does not warrant the disgusting treatment that has been dished out…

I guess for me I have judged the decision of others to get jabbed but only from the point of view that I feared for what the consequences of that decision would be…I never stayed away from friends or ostracised them knowing that they would be shedding the spike protein & that I could possibly be at risk of getting ill…No, I treated people as human beings wishing them the best outcome in this crappy situation we found ourselves in…I have cried at the thought of my friends getting sick & possibly dying…no healer wants that on their watch…I cherish my friendships but clearly the same can’t be said about the ones that have abandoned me…

Judgement does NOT create: It Destroys

Every time we go into Judgement we reject & separate from one another & we even do that to ourselves.

We judge because we want to be right so we can make sel/others wrong…

What if everything could just be an interesting point of view – it’s a win win…

I have been judged my whole life…you would think by now it would be water off a ducks back but it still gets to me, I still cry, get angry, walk away but I will never let it harden me…

So coming back to being so called privileged in many ways I am…I have a roof over my head still, I have food, I have a bed & nice clothes, a car all of which I have worked really hard for having had 4 jobs at one stage but at age 60 I decided being in a constant state of burnout was no longer worth it…

I am also privileged in the fact that I have the universe that looks after me when I ask for help, I am resilient & I have the strength to pick myself up & carry on through adversity…I feel I am truly blessed & I practice gratitude daily for what do I have…

So whenever you go into judgement it’s your choice to separate from others, it’s your choice to be right & make others/self wrong…when you catch yourself judging say to yourself or out aloud "that's an interesting point of view they/I have that point of view" (IPOV)

In these unprecedented times we need to come together in peace, compassion, harmony & love, this separation/segregation will be our downfall as humanity…

When you are being judged it is always good to check-in to see if there is any truth to what has been said, taking self-responsibility and making the choice to change is a really positive conscious choice. Be the observer, don’t get caught in the emotions and find a space where you can send the situation light & love. Say to yourself or out aloud "that's an interesting point of view they/I have that point of view" and send it back, don't give it energy or take it on...We don't always know what is going on internally for people at the time.

As a practitioner, I am open to healing whatever is limiting me in my life & in other's lives

I am busy clearing & healing more of my being so that I can come from that place where I can radiate love to all and not get caught up in the ego/personality that creates from lack, fear & negativity.

Last week I finished a piece of zentangle art called 'Love is what the world needs now' see below & lets focus on healing our wounds & programming and make this a better world where we can live in cooperation, tolerance, harmony with each other & gaia.

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