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How I Work...


I work closely with my clients who are feeling frustrated and worried helping them release outmoded patterns and blocks that are keeping them stuck, so they can move forward in ease and create a positive happy life.


These are some of the outcomes my clients have experienced...


  • My clients are content and happy with their lives. They not only see the light at the end of the tunnel but overwhelm has been replaced with optimism with more choices becoming available. They radiate a more positive energy in their outlook and this creates a ripple effect in their everyday life opening the way to manifest more possibilities.

  • My client’s future looks brighter and they moving forward with ease. Instead they live with an inner sense of peace with clear calm mind it allows them to deal with the day to day challenges as they arise with confidence. They have found their mojo again positive self talk and self care become a new way of being. They feel inspired and motivated to take the steps to change their lives in all areas.

  • They have gained greater insight and understanding that there is more to this life. They have found inspiration and connectedness with themselves and their life, giving them the courage to create a purposeful meaningful way of being.

  • They feel an interconnectedness and shine from within that leads to being empowered with greater sense of peace, knowing they have the ability to create the life they truly desire.

  • They have found increased energy and relief from stress and physical ailments. Long term aches and pains and digestive issues have resolved. They feel lighter and energised so they are able to do all the things they want to do, including taking time out for themselves to rest and recharge. They are able to share their wellbeing journey with others utilising a holistic healing approach with others.


Read more on  Who I Work With or Book an appointment




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I had my first appointment with Ilona la
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